Thursday, August 16, 2012

Silly vs Special

Lillian loves to say prayers. Lately she has been rather silly and started making up words and walking around the room while praying.

After one such prayer...

Keith: Lillian, prayers are special. They are a time to talk with Heavenly Father. We need to not be silly during prayers, and use real words.

Lillian: You be special, I'll be silly.

At least she is honest with her desire not to change.

Tonight we had a rough night getting to bed. There were many tears and in my attempt to help Lillian calm down I asked her to tell me a story. She began slowly at first, then added fish and colors and houses and toys to her story. She then told me about "another adventure" and went on and on with her story. I gradually moved her from the floor to my lap to the bed all while she continued her tale. She may be shy at times, but this girl has a thing for stories. Perhaps I'll have her tell the bedtime stories from now on.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bath Time

I put conditioner in Lillian's hair during her bath.

Lillian: Let the ditioner hang out in my hair. You go away while the ditioner hangs out.

Mom: You want some privacy?

Lillian: Yeah, I hang out with my hair and me.

I'm just happy she let me wash her hair.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quantitative Keith

Keith and I are discussing AP tests and scores.

Keith: I got fives on my calculus and computer science tests.

MeKeith, you just have a brain for math and computer stuff.

Keith: I did do better on quantitative tests than on qualitative.

Me: Like English?

Keith: Actually, I got a five on the English test.

Me: (laughing) Then what's qualitative? 

Keith: Well, I only got a four on each of the two history tests I took.

It is at these times that I try very hard not to think condemning thoughts of my most beloved husband.
No, really, I am very happy for his successful brain.