Thursday, July 31, 2008

Four Teeth

Abigail reached a landmark today. After only eleven months, a fourth tooth finally gasped in its first breath of air. My how she grows. Already, her favorite word is "Hi" and her favorite pastime is bouncing up and down to the Enchanted soundtrack. A few days ago she spent not less than ten minutes bouncing herself up and down in my arms, filled with the thrill of life.

An evening or so ago, we sat in the tall grass together in our back yard, watching tiny grasshoppers skip to and fro. Abigail giggled when I would catch one in my hand and held it in my palm for her to see. In only a moment, the hopper launched toward freedom, and a delighted Abigail watched and grinned. She thought they were just great. We spent some time yesterday playing basketball and chasing roly poly bugs.

Delores is the best mom. I love watching Abigail, her large eyes full of wonder at her mother. Where Delores goes, Abigail trots along behind, babbling away and content because mom is close. Delores is tireless and affectionate to the last moment of every day. I count myself a fortunate man.


From Wendy: Isn't it exciting to watch our little ones grow? I am amazed every day. We miss you guys!

From Keith: Somehow I knew you would find out first. I'm so glad you visit. Abigail is growing like a wildfire, mind and body. I'm sure you see the same in your little one. We miss you to. Come visit some time.

Monday, July 28, 2008

First Fourth

We had a delightful experience during the 4th of July in Provo. The parades were enjoyable -- really. I've never liked parades. Sitting, waiting, baking in the sun, plugging ears, waiting for something, anything to happen. Not my cup of tea. Yet somehow, it was different. It was really fun. Everything is different now, and perhaps that is part of being a dad.

The family set up some inflatable pools in the yard. One pool was large, the other not so much. The rules for the were: "To play in the small pool, you must be less than *(pause while asking for the name of the oldest toddler)* four years old." This met some sighs of sorrow from the older boys, and sighs of relief from a few moms. The small pool was soon forgotten, however, for they discovered a new game: see how many pitchers of hot water need to be carried from the kitchen to make the large pool warm. It was like watching a colony of ants at work, all the nieces and nephews trotting in and out with steaming pitchers containing a few cups of hot water. It was all good fun.

Abigail, we learned, loves playing in pools of water. This was her first time. Smothered in sunscreen until a moose could pass out from the fumes, we stood her in the small pool. She sat down once, and with eyes widening at the chill, darted so quickly to her feet and to the edge of the pool that I thought we had given birth to an acrobat. After a few moments of clinging desperately to the side of the pool, curiosity overcame her and she gingerly reached over and started patting the water with her hand. Oh, she loved it!

Since then, she gets thrilled all over and begins hopping up and down in our arms at the site of a body of water, be it inflatable pool or bathtub. Her excitement about life is a thrill for me. Similar to how exciting life became when I married Delores, life is richer because of my little girl. Oh, I could be a daddy forever.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A day in the dino park

The Barker reunion rolled around again this year, and we held it at the dinosaur park at the mouth of Ogden canyon. We had quite a delightful time. Delores and I missed the turn when driving to the park, and did not realize it until we exited the other side of the canyon and had our choices of remote ski resorts for destinations. At last, doing honor to all males, I stopped and asked for directions.

My kid sister is an aspiring photographer, and she has a knack of grabbing neat photos. This picture is one of hers. If any of you are looking for a good photographer...

We also had games at the party. One game consisted of standing on wobbly wooden platforms and knocking an opponent off theirs with only a foam sword. It was rich fun. We were sad when the third sword broke, leaving nothing left for the game. It was a somewhat embarrassing truth that three different Rimingtons were responsible for each of the three different broken swords. We're a rowdy bunch.

Monday, July 7, 2008

An Announcement

As the extended Dorton clan contentedly watched Jacob and Delores open birthday presents on Sunday, Isabel enters the room from the kitchen saying:

"Everyone, I have an announcement....

"Samuel is eating Delores' cake."

The room was a sudden picture of motion.