Thursday, January 22, 2009

Opening My Baby Blues

The closer I get to completing my Master's degree, the less impressed I am with Master's degrees, because I am not very impressed with myself.

Case in point: when I was young, mom would send me to the basement to retrieve a can of soup. From time to time, I would trot down the stairs, and by the time my right foot touched the basement floor, my purpose in going downstairs was blissfully forgotten.

That is until I heard my name shouted full-force ten minutes later.

"What is that?" I ask, having raced halfway up the stairs.

"Where is the soup?"

Oh yeah!

It even happened, a few times, that after this dialogue, I again forgot my purpose the moment my feet touched the basement floor.

So, flashback to the present, I give up looking for a lost textbook after my fifth day of searching. Not even the absurd cost of textbooks can thwart my blindness. Is this the kind of absent-mindedness to be expected from one who is less than a year from the fantastic title, "Master Keith?"


From M. Nelson: Don't worry nobody with be calling you, "Master Keith," that's a right only reserved for karate instructors.

Good luck finding your book.

From Keith: I once said to a fellow at work: "Those who fear me call me 'Wild Side'"

Then he said: "I've never heard anyone call you 'Wild Side'."

"Yeah," I said, "No one fears me yet."

Friday, January 16, 2009

Special Diapers

Abigail was playing under the bathroom sink while I was doing my hair. She pulled out Q-tips and maxie pads. She opened one rather large maxie pad, took it out of its wrapper and laid it out on the floor. She then lay down next to it and pointed to her diaper indicating that she wanted it changed and replaced with the "diaper" at her side.

I did change her diaper, and one day she'll even get to use special diapers like the one she opened.


From Wendy: Darling!! Just don't ever tell her they're special "napkins" or they might show up at the table for company!

From M. Nelson: Don't call them "bandaids" either. Next thing you know, they'll be stuck to her shin.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sandwiches Anyone?

I have the most excellent pleasure of attending school with my younger brother. We had never done so before, because he is seven years younger than I. When I started middle school, he started Kindergarten, so we never met. Now that I am entrenched in the eternities of graduate school, Kevin caught up and we meet from time to time after classes to chat and joke around.

I was remarking to Kevin how I cope with lectures that move too slowly. For example, tonight I took notes on one sheet of paper about relational databases while on another sheet of paper I was planning disk space estimates for a massive program I am installing at my work. Then I started getting excited about my job and explained how we organize whole farms of servers to support this single program, and how the disk space costs add up, and how this and how that. My brother seemed to be catching my enthusiasm.

Then, in perfect non sequitur, Kevin informed me:

"They have new sandwiches at Arby's!"


From Tammy: I love Kevin! He is such a goof!!!

From M. Nelson: Kevin is hilarious!

From Janell: Kevin always seems to have the perfect comeback!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Piggy Bank

Today I was taking a shower and heard Abigail coming in and out of the bathroom. I think, "what is she doing" as I hear a "clink, clink". Upon emerging from the shower I see the cover of the heat vent removed and Abigail coming in to drop coins down into it. I look and see about $3.00 of Keith's coins in the vent.

Perhaps she was looking for a safe place to save up her money for college.


From M. Nelson: You may as well start handing it over the money now. Kids get it all in the end anyway!

The cold had on the back is hilarious. I like to get Randal with my cold feet right before he's about to fall asleep. Make's me laugh.

From M. Nelson: Okay, let me edit:

You may as well start handing over the money now...

And...the cold hand.

Sheesh! I must be tired.

From Wendy: That's hilarious! At least she wasn't eating it!

Cold Hands

Delores is now writing her first blog entry....

Yesterday I was sitting on the floor in the hall. Abigail came up from behind me and plays with my shoulders for a minute. She then carefully lifts up my shirt and places her cold hand on my back. I gasp, she laughs and laughs. This is repeated three times before I tickle her and she stops.

I wonder who taught her that?!?

The culprit came home from work and laughed long and loud when I told him.


From Wendy: Oh man, if ds learns from dh, I'm in trouble!