Monday, May 28, 2007

Fort Douglas Memorial

Today the fife and drum participated in memorial services at Fort Douglas. We marched to the cemetery near the fort to the music of a Civil War funeral duty, followed by a riderless horse and the flag-draped casket. Pictured below is the ceremonial flag-draped casket and rifled upturned to pay honor and tribute to the fallen dead.

The keynote speaker for the ceremony was Amanda Dixon from KSL radio. She spake of patriotism and mentioned some details of her father's service. From Amanda: "I'm not a great American; I'm a grateful American". May we all be more grateful for our country.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Moving In

We finally made it! No one broke their backs, either.

We quite like our place. We can no longer walk through the entire apartment in a straight line, which is a testimony to the comparative spaciousness we now enjoy. The neatest thing of all is the bedroom adjacent to our bedroom. We call it "The baby's room." That phrase is so exhilarating to me.

Thanks for all who could come and help. My dad and several brothers (those without broken backs), Delores's dad and brother, and some friends came. We couldn't have done it without them.