Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thesis Defense

So, Keith defended his thesis on Tuesday

He passed with flying colors!

They asked him some very hard questions and he handled them very well!

I'm so proud of him. He worked so hard on this and the result is a very impressive document and a Keith that is exhausted.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pink Bobbett again

This morning at 4am Abigail came into our room asking for cuddles. She climbed up into our bed then asked for her "pink bobbet". I couldn't see it, she looked on the floor then back in her bed, and it wasn't there. I got up and looked in my bed, her bed, on the floor and all around - no go. She said, "maybe it's all gone, maybe it went buy, buy" in the saddest voice.

I suggested we say a prayer and ask Heavenly Father for help. She agreed. After the prayer I looked again in her bed, not there. As I looked Abigail said, "I took my pink bobbet out of the bed." I did another look in my bed, and moved the blankets more than I did before - there it was!

I wrapped Abigail in it and told her that Heavenly Father helped us find it. We then said a thank you prayer.

Later today when I changed her diaper she held her blanket and said, "my pink bobbet! Heavenly Father found it! Thank you Heavenly Father! Thank you Heavenly Father!"