Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's Not a Competition

We're eating dinner on this fine Fathers' Day. Abigail finishes her drink and comments that Keith still has some if his left. As he finishes the last tablespoon of liquid I hear...

Abigail: I finished before you did! I was done first, but it's not a competition is it.

parents chuckling

Abigail: I drank all mine first. But we're not talking about it. And it's not a competition.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Ager

All day Wednesday Lillian is asking when we can go to the cabin.

Lillian: When we can play with my cousins? When my play with Jew-ee-a?
Mom: Julia's probably already at the cabin. We'll go when Dad gets back.

We show up in the evening...

Lillian: Where my ager?
Mom: What?
Lillian: Where my cousin that is my age?
Mom: Oh, Julia isn't here yet.

Later when Julia shows up...

Lillian: Jew-ee-a! You my age! You my frwend!