Sunday, May 31, 2009

Distracting with Delight

My little angel has an amazing super power. She can thoroughly distract no fewer than five pews, forward and back. Not with tears, mind you. She distracts us all with pure, wide-eyed 2-year-old love of life.

A few weeks ago, the local high school's Madrigal choir sang in our church service. Normally, in our services, there is no applause after a musical number, so that members can meditate and internalize the message of the song. Not so with Abigail, who was on her tip-toes, hands on the pew ahead, drinking in the melody. When the last chord ended, she stood up, clapped her hands vigorously, and shouted "Yaaayyyy!!!" in the otherwise reverent chapel.

Today, during our sacrament meeting, Abigail added her "Aaaaymen. Amen. Aymeeeennn!" to the opening prayer, parroted the words of the priests blessing the sacrament, and added several more emphatic amens to each subsequent prayer.

Then our ward choir sang, which I joined in response to the bullying of a sweet, grandmotherly sister in our ward. We sang "Abide with Me", one of my favorites, which concluded with Abigail adding her fervent "Daddy! Dadeeeee! Preddy. Preddy. Daaadeeeee!"

I'll tell you, its moments like these that make the daddy job the best job in the world.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Welcome to the new blog.
We hope you find some good laughs while staying in touch.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Why my DVD Player was Broken

My computer desktop has been an absolute mess. Some software required for one of my graduate classes was incompatible with my PC, and my laptop monitor was broken. I rearranged my computer so I could get at the back easily to move my monitor back and forth from the PC to the laptop. This made getting at the front of my PC a touch difficult, but it did the job.

So, now that school's over, I wanted to relax by dropping a DVD into the computer. It wouldn't work. The computer just said "Please insert disc."


I tried several discs, did some research online, re-flashed the firmware on my DVD player, and finally gave up. My drive was broken.

So it was that we purchased a new DVD drive, which I subsequently plugged in to my PC and...

I noticed that the other drive was also a DVD drive.

As it turned out, my DVD drive wasn't working because it was my CD drive!

Ha ha. What a joke on myself.