Friday, March 30, 2012

Helper Lillian

: Mom, where is Livia's fire hydrant?
Mom: Her pacifier? It's right here.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Survey says?

The version worked! Done at 39 weeks. So now we just wait for labor to start - and hopefully that is soon.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


At 38 weeks in this pregnancy we found out that our baby is frank breech. Which means her bum is down and her legs are up and feet kind of by her face. In an attempt to help her turn over so her head is down and she is in the “correct” position for birth we tried the following:

Breach tilt: hands and knees on a decline with head below hips

Laying on my back on a declined ironing board

Laying on my left side

Lots and lots and lots of pelvic rocks

Visits to the chiropractor who used the Webster technique and even attempted to turn the baby

Left to try?

A manual version, done by our doctor, where he turns the baby with the use of a muscle relaxer

Right now she’s in a good position for a vaginal breech birth and if I stay healthy and labor begins on its own I can do that. Wish us luck! We'll see what happens.

Friday, March 9, 2012


On a walk this fine morning.

Mom: Lillian, look there is a bright yellow van.

Lillian: Yeah, they have a van too! They van, yellow...Our van, dirty.

True that.