Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Enough Hair for a Bow

Our little angel has enough hair to hold a bow...if she holds very still. I love watching her grow, as gradually as the hair on her head. She learns so fast!

One thing we do with our little girl is sign words as we speak them. Oh, we're no experts, but we picked up several useful day-to-day signs, like "mom", "dad", "food", "please", "thank you", "play", and so on. We started signing with her months ago, and it seemed like ages before she understood what we were doing.

Now it seems that she is hungry for more. Yesterday, she learned two new signs, "home", and "boat". She gets so excited when she can communicate. We were walking through Smith's grocery store, which is usually a delight because Abigail charms everyone she sees by calling out "Hi!" and "Hiyo!" We had finished paying for our food and Abigail started signing "shoes", which perplexed me because we were in a grocery store.

"Abigail," I said, "I don't see any shoes."

She pointed fiercely toward the camera bar and shouted, "Daa!" then continued to sign "shoes".

Sure enough, on a rotating rack were dozens of pairs of fluffy slippers. Each day something new, each day some growth, just like the beautiful pale curls growing so subtly on her head. I do love the daddy job.


From M. Nelson: E.R. was like that--he charmed absolutely everyone in the stores. He would say, "day-doo" (thank-you) to the checkers and they thought we had the greatest baby ever! Abigail is adorable.

From Dave Kennedy: Your recent posts almost make me want to have kids Kieth. :-)

I'm trying to improve my blog myself, but I want to do it myself. I thought 'Who do I know and respect who has their own blog? Keith Rimington!' So, I must know, how do you do it? I've recently discovered the joys of MS SQL Server and at work. I see huge potential. But I don't know if this is the best course of action or not for personal use. What do you use for your 'Home-Grown' blog?

Take Care Keith. :-)

From Momrim: Our children can always humble us! They often know more than we do! :-)


I recognize this is insanity. Who would do such a thing? But they are my glasses and they are standing on end on our wooden kitchen floor. Wow, eh?

Monday, November 24, 2008


Abigail was eating lunch the other day. I gave her grapes, which quickly disappeared because she loves grapes. I followed that up with some mild chili, because she loves beans. Then it was some thin orange juice, which she also loves.

You might ask how do I know she loves these things?

"Ymmmm," she'll say to the grapes. "Ymmmmm," to the chili, and "YMMMmmm," she'll say to the juice. You see, ymmmm is the sound of love.

So when I gave her two saltine crackers, she promptly started dipping them in the orange juice.

"Oh, Abigail," I say, "Let's not do that."

She then licks the cracker, looks at me, and sighs, "Ymmmm".

She dips the cracker again.

"Abigail, please, let's not dip the cracker in your drink."

Of course, the cracker goes right back in the juice. Then, without taking her eyes off of mine, she slowly licks the cracker, and then hums with a very meaningful hum: "YMMMmmm," as if to say, "But dad, this is GOOD!"

I tell you, I love the daddy job. What else can add saltines and OJ to get love?


From Delores Rimington: Very cute!

From Wendy: Darling! My friend's girl, who's about Abigail's age, recently poured milk in the little divet in the button on the buckle of her car seat, and then dipped her graham crackers in it until it was all gone. Kids just know what's good, y'know?

From M. Nelson: Good for you for letting her experiment.

From Stacy Haight: Hi! I'm Marian's friend Stacy! YEah... I like to blog stalk. I couldn't help but comment though. I LOVE Saltine crackers and OJ. I literally crave them. I hadn't thought to dip them.... But I do love to eat them together! You have a very smart daughter! :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Last week I attended a developers' conference in Las Vegas. During one of the sessions, I received a call from home--thank goodness for vibrate mode--which I ignored, intending to reply between sessions. A few minutes later, it rang again; another call from home. Thinking two sequential calls meant something was amiss, I went into the hall to take the call.

"Hello," I said, worry written on my face and voice.

"Hiyo!" shouted Abigail from the other end.

She called me.

On her own!

We chatted for some time, and it wasn't until evening that I could tell Delores of the wonderful conversation I had with my little girl who so cleverly found the redial button.


From Wendy: Oh that is so cute!!! What a fun interruption!

From M. Nelson: At least she called you and not someone in Japan or 911. Babies are SO observant. It's amazing what they pick up on!