Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Abigail is watching "Rigoletto". Lillian reaches over and paws at Abigail's arm. Abigail responds by saying,"no, no Lillian, you can't do that. I'm watching a movie. Let me have my privacy."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Funny Sunday

After church today I'm waiting for Lillian to crawl to me. As I pick her up I say, "there's my little princess!" Knowing Abigail doesn't like being left out I quickly add, "and there's Abigail, my big princess!" To which Abigail replies, "I'm a pooing princess." She was indeed having a bowl movement. Keith then asked, "would you like me to change your diaper?" Abigail replies, "no, I want to poo for a while."

After dinner I was putting together a scrapbook page and let Lillian play with the tupperware cupboard. She pulled everything out and then crawled inside the cupboard to get the rest. Abigail pointed to her and said, "Mom, look at Lillian!" I replied, "yeah, look at her, she's really going to town." A few minutes later Abigail crawls inside the same cupboard and calls, "Look, Mom, I'm going to town!"

Happy Sunday smiles!