Thursday, November 18, 2010

Turkey at Smiths

At the grocery store last night. While I'm looking at pickles and olives for Thanksgiving dinner a middle-age couple looks at pies on the other side of the isle. They mention something about turkey. Upon hearing this Abigail perks up and exclaims, "I sing a song about turkeys!"

Woman: oh, you do?

Abigail: yeah. I'll sing it for you!

Woman: okay

Abigail: (holding up her right hand with all five fingers spread apart) Five fat turkeys are we! Like that!

Woman: Do you use your fingers?

Abigail: I use my fingers, like this. Five fat turkeys are we! Like that!

The couple starts to walk away while still smiling at Abigail.

Abigail (to mom): They are kind of shy.

Mom: yes, they don't seem as outgoing as you are.