I seized the teaching moment, and told Abigail about natural gas.
Me: Do you recognize the smell?
Abigail: Um hmmm.
Me: This is the smell of natural gas. It can be a scary smell if it weren't for the nice gas man here helping us out. If you ever recognize this smell, tell mom or dad...
... Kinda like I did...
Well, things got straightened out, and we settled down in the kitchen for pre-bed-time snacks. Now, my little Abigail loves one food above all foods. In the diet of Abigail, it reigns in the largest tier of the food pyramid, esteemed and regarded above all else. You guessed it! The yogurt food group.
In a crazy attempt to restore yogurt to its proper place on the pyramid, we told Abigail we were going to eat less yogurt. After explaining our reasons, she heartily agreed.
Delores: What would you like for your snack? You could have...
Abigail: I want less yogurt.
Delores: You want less yogurt, huh?
Abigail: Yeah! I want LOTS of less yogurt!
So we did.